
Showing posts from March, 2016

Giostar Hospital Working hard to offer safe Stem Cell Treatment

In recent times, a number of trials on embryonic stem cell therapy are being carried out and several other studies regarding adult stem cells are also underway. Stem Cell Treatment is still not widely available, but many hospitals and renowned healthcare centers put forward Stem Cell Treatment for treating different diseases. There are many hurdles in the way of developing stem cell therapies but accredited centers like Giostar Hospital are working hard to overcome these hurdles and provide safe stem cell therapies to people around the world. Giostar Hospital has not only opened hospitals in India, but it also plans to open stem cell centers in other parts of the world. Giostar makes use of Autologous, Allogeneic, as well as peripheral blood stem cells to discover new ways of treating degenerative disorders and support all the treatment options it offers with thorough research.