Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis , also commonly known as the motor neuron disease or Lou Gehrig’s disease is a fatal neurological ailment, associated with progressive muscular atrophy, weakness and functional loss. Facts you should know about ALS It is estimated that at any given point of time, 1-10 out of 100000 people can be affected by ALS; and each day 15 new cases are being diagnosed. Statistics has suggested that after about every 90 minutes someone is being diagnosed with ALS. According to the database shared by ALS care, 93% of ALS patients are of Caucasian origin; and the average life expectancy of people with ALS is between 2-4 years, post diagnosis. Early diagnosis of ALS is quite tricky due to common initial symptoms and it may possibly take a year of so for the confirmed diagnosis of ALS. Studies have confirmed that individuals suffering with ALS tend to lose their strength and ability to move their arms, legs and bodies. Eventually the person has to b...