
Showing posts from October, 2018


Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis , also commonly known as the motor neuron disease or Lou Gehrig’s disease is a fatal neurological ailment, associated with progressive muscular atrophy, weakness and functional loss. Facts you should know about ALS It is estimated that at any given point of time, 1-10 out of 100000 people can be affected by ALS; and each day 15 new cases are being diagnosed. Statistics has suggested that after about every 90 minutes someone is being diagnosed with ALS. According to the database shared by ALS care, 93% of ALS patients are of Caucasian origin; and the average life expectancy of people with ALS is between 2-4 years, post diagnosis. Early diagnosis of ALS is quite tricky due to common initial symptoms and it may possibly take a year of so for the confirmed diagnosis of ALS. Studies have confirmed that individuals suffering with ALS tend to lose their strength and ability to move their arms, legs and bodies. Eventually the person has to b


By now, everyone might have heard or at least read about the buzzword, ‘stem cell therapy’. Many times, it comes into picture, when you would be reading about the possible cure for any chronic life-threatening disease, such as cancer or neuro-degenerative disorders. One should understand that the word can initiate number of responses, which can be credited as per the situation as well as need. For instance, for vulnerable patients, who are not able to find out any definite cure through conventional medicine, stem cells therapy can be a hope; whereas for scientists, who are struggling hard to unlock the master key to cure, it is a sense of responsibility and a great deal of excitement about the promising future of stem cells therapy ! Contrary to which, for medico-legal experts, patient’s long-term safety and an ethical spirit of justice would be the priority. Thus, in order to have a better understanding of hopes vis-à-vis reality, we should certainly consider following points.

Rising Incidences of Palsy: Is Maternal Smoking to be blamed?

Congenital cerebral palsy, constitutes a number of locomotion and posture issues leading to nonprogressive disturbances in developing a fetus . In the past couple of decades, cerebral palsy is becoming the widest spread physical, developmental disability found to be prevalent in more than 2 live births out of 1000 children in developed countries. While investigating the underlying cause, researchers have decoded the link between maternal smoking and neuronal cell death that leads to the most common childhood physical disability. Studies have further indicated that when the brain is deprived of oxygen-rich blood for a longer period of time, it experiences an immediate oxidative stress and hypoxia ischemic injuries, causing neuronal cell death. Due to massive brain cell death, signaling pathways responsible for the passage of important information for regulating movement and memory retention are interrupted. In this regard, a new research published in the journal Frontiers i

Initial and Later Symptoms of Muscular Dystrophy

When the body cannot produce the protein called Dystrophin, the condition may lead to a severe muscular damage and weakness. The prevalence of this deficiency has increased significantly, with number of people noted to be affected with this problem, which is found to be further weakening the chief muscular functions of body, resulting into muscular dystrophy. Furthermore, depending upon the extent of damage and the location affected, muscular dystrophy can be categorized into many different types, holding several different symptoms, such as damaged as well as weakened muscles, problems in walking, swallowing, muscular coordination, etc. Till now, more than 30 different types of muscular Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure or effective way to fulfill the requirement of dystrophin, as of now the only available treatment modalities for the same can be noted as physiotherapy and implementation of some supportive equipment, such as braces, wheelchair, etc. However, certain

Alzheimer Treatment by Injecting stem cells: A Breakthrough or A quackery

Multiple types of brain disorders, including developmental disorders, psychological problems and neurodegenerative disorders have stumped both scientific as well medical communities, since years; in terms of human sufferings, management and socioeconomic burden. While a recent survey by WHO in order to underline, disability adjusted life years suggest brain disorders, as a leading cause of global disease burden with a very high corresponding cost. Thus, out of multiple degenerative and crippling diseases, neurodegenerative disorders are undoubtedly very destructive; affecting lives of more than few billion-people living globally.  Alzheimer is one such kind of neurodegenerative disorder, affecting more than 5 million people in developed countries; a brutal degenerative condition directly affecting person’s memory and judgmental ability. Instead of being front line attackers; the disease is associated with a direct attack on the central nervous system with a progressive functiona

Essentials of Cardiac Health

Cardiac health is defined as “the ability of heart to perform its function of circulating oxygenated blood”. A healthy heart means a healthy blood flow, which is needed to carry out important functions, by many vital organs of our body, like brain, muscles, etc. When your cardiovascular system is not functioning properly, blood is not getting to where it needs to be, or when your blood flow to your organs and tissues is reduced or obstructed; your health will suffer. For example, if the cardiovascular system is not working properly, the lung cannot distribute adequate oxygen to the cells of the kidney, which eventually will fail to perform its assigned vital function; i.e. toxin removal. Risk associated with cardiac disorders There are many risk factors associated with heart diseases and stroke. Some risk factors, such as family ethnicity, age, and history cannot be changed.   Other risk factors that can be treated or managed are:         tobacco exposure, ·         

Stem Cells Treatments for Stroke

Many studies have reported that with the modern technology, it is now possible to treat massive diseases such as stroke with the help of patient’s own stem cells with more feasibility and safety. It has as well been reported that all the patients, who were involved in clinical studies very well tolerated the procedure with no complications, all the patients showed variable improvements, which was confirmed with the help of MRI and CT scan and lastly throughout the study, no signs of tumours or blood vessel malformation detected. Similar proof of concept trials has concluded complete safety and feasibility of stem cells treatment; as a possible alternative option in demand for many deadly conditions such as stroke. Till date, conditions such as stroke or paralysis were treated to be ultimate conditions; people have to stay with rest of their lives. But with the advent of stem cells technology, the scenario took a swift u turn towards a new path of hope and wellness. Many ongoing

Stem Cells Treatment The Most Advance Medical Treatment

Treatment for the degenerative diseases such as motor neuron diseases, diabetes and other crippling conditions are mostly limited to basic symptomatic management and/or surgeries. Although, studies have shown very good results with the help of stem cells technology; which can actually reverse the loss associated with the diseases. Scientists are confirmed now that stem cells treatment may offer a new line of therapy to people, who are suffering from lifelong diseases and are to be implemented routinely to help people come of their pain. The latest experiments on the technology have shown that the procedure can be safe and effective, altering the need of undergoing painful surgeries or wait effortlessly for a suitable organ, till your last breath. The controversial science, behind all these experiments is the science of cellular regeneration.   Human body is a result of three dimensional involvement of cellular system working in synchronisation. If anything in their struc