Stem Cell Therapy in India New Hope for Patients in Medical Science
Stem cells therapy is an alternative yet advanced therapeutic module for various deadly, degenerative disorders, like motor neuron diseases, multiple sclerosis, etc. Human body is made up of trillions of cells, which are working in continuous, yet synchronized manner to perform various functions of different organ. Stem cells are naïve, young cells of human body that can be extracted from as early as eight celled stage human embryo. These cells are believed to be of highest potency with the capability to differentiate into cells of various tissue origin. Studies have further suggested that at each point of development, these stem cells store reserved quota of them in various tissues, wherein they remain in dormancy for the rest of their lives. The unlimited differentiation potential of these stem cells can allow them to maintain significant number of tissue specific cells, that are being lost in the normal wear and tear of the organ; thus, involved in uninterrupted function of t...