Stem Cells Treatment for Cerebral Palsy

Stem cells are the real medical miracles, designed through the intrinsic power of cellular mechanism; in order to structure the entire cellular system of humans. The medical science has further identified their miraculous potential to cure myriad of diseases, which are currently lacking any fundamental treatment, achieving a definitive cure.

Researchers are claiming the miraculous power of stem cells, through confirmation of their regenerative potential. The bench studies have evidently suggested that a jab of stem cells can be utilized to regenerate and restore lost function of your liver, a patch of recently isolated stem cells from your own body sources, like bone marrow as well as adipose tissues, etc. can repair damage associated with the beating heart, etc. One of the many such robust scientific studies have confirmed that stem cells found in the autologous sources of patients own body, can potentially restore certain cognitive as well as locomotive functions; when infused back to children’s body, who have been suffering with cerebral palsy.

Cerebral palsy is a type of neuro-degenerative disorder, wherein the effective communication between neurons of the central nervous system and other important organs, associated with movement and cognitive abilities is halted; due to neuronal death. The cause of the issue has been attributed towards the abnormal development of the ailment, during the time of pregnancy; however, it has been as well found to occur during child birth or may even shortly after the birth, due to faulty birthing facility. Certain risk factors like premature birth, twin delivery, infections during pregnancy, methyl-mercury infection exposure, complications during pregnancy, trauma, etc. have been identified to be the most vulnerable. However, researchers are collectively accepting the fact that hypoxic-ischemic insult, causing restricted flow of oxygenated blood towards the central nervous system is found to be most common, almost in 90% of the cerebral palsy cases.

In order to offer stem cell based therapeutic option, it is very crucial to understand intrinsic faults that have been associated with the brain damage; stem cells have been specifically identified for better appreciation towards the site of injury, better immune tolerance and better restoration of functional attributes. Stem cells can be isolated in a controlled atmosphere and are concentrated to maximize their effectiveness. These ready to use stem cells will then be delivered inside the body with a targeted infusion, to allow speedy recovery from the ailment. In case of cerebral palsy, these fundamental stem cells are infused back through the cerebro-spinal fluid of the spinal cord to minimize their cellular loss.

Once infused inside the body, these cells are then identified to regulate immune cells of the body to secrete different growth factors, which are found to be very essential to reduce the inflammatory response of the body. Moreover, these stem cells have been identified to be having stronger regenerative power to produce lost or damaged cells. In addition to this, these cells have been identified to provide strength and support to the dying neuron, through increasing oxygenated blood supply.

Although, worldwide clinical studies and other reports are demanding for more and more confirmatory evaluation to further optimize the treatment outcome, but with the current development, stem cells isolated from autologous body tissues are supported to be more worthy!


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