Stem cells Therapy for Osteoarthritis

Arthritis is a chronic condition, and millions of people in the world have been suffering with the same. It is all the more frustrating to know that current medical practice can offer only shots of steroidal injections and anti-inflammatory injection to subside the pain. However, it should be noted in this regard that long term exposure to harmful steroids can lead to organ failure.

Arthritis is associated with chronic degeneration of weight bearing joints, and is affecting people of all age groups; although more common in people with higher age groups and obese.  It involves degeneration of connective tissue, which may lead to functional loss of joints. The ailment is more common in developed countries of the world, may be due to increasing adaptation towards junk lifestyle; in fact, in countries like USA, arthritis related degeneration has been rated to be a number one cause of disability. It should not be surprising to know that these developed countries are supporting annual economic burden of over 120 billion $, due to arthritis related issues. According to the joint survey, initiated by world health organization and Centre of diseased control, the population affected with joint disorder is going to increase exponentially, in the coming decades. Since the current treatment is inefficient to cure the ailment, patients may have two options to choose from; either they can opt for some rehabilitative options, like steroidal injections, viscosupplementation, etc., wherein the root cause is never disturbed; or they can look for some alternative, modern treatment options, like stem cells therapy, which is believed to directly deal with the causative factor and eradicate the issue.

Stem cells are identified as the foundation of cellular system, and are having great potential to differentiate into cells of different origin. The ability of stem cells to generate an entire cellular system, if passed through a proper signaling pathways has been exploited by the medicine, as a mean to cure variety of degenerative ailments, through regeneration of lost cells. Variety of clinical trials have evidently confirmed the differentiation of stem cells into cells of osteogenic, cartilaginous and adipogenic origin. Different clinical conditions have so far been established and studied for efficacy and feasibility of stem cells, isolated from different sources in repairing different degenerative defects in the body. These stem cells have been demonstrated to be exhibiting anti-inflammatory properties, through which faulty immune system can be regulated to create a favorable stem cells niche. It has been further anticipated that infused stem cells access resident stem cells and other immuno regulatory cells to initiate stronger immune response. 

Since the treatment utilizes our body’s own cells for curing our own ailments, it has been found to be the most anticipated treatment so far, without any notable side effects. Scientists and medical experts are supporting it to be the most feasible option, for better outcome in many degenerative ailments. This would definitely proposed to have a huge impact in reducing the economic stress, countries have to bear in offering the best possible treatment ever.


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