Stem Cell Therapy On The Way Of Destroying Diabetes From Its Roots

Diabetes is an unceasing and polygenetic disease affecting millions of people around the world. If not controlled, it can lead to hyperglycemia, which can damage many systems of human body proving fatal for the patient. Deaths because of diabetes are expected to double as per the reports of health organizations across the globe.

In both the types of diabetes, pancreatic endocrine stem cells specifically the beta cells play a major role in the disease’s progression. In type-1 of the disease, beta cells are subjected to autoimmune obliteration, whereas in type-2 beta cells go through many complicated changes and the mass of beta cells also diminish slowly.

Pancreas and islet transplant are among the diabetes treatment options that have been able to improve patient survival in many cases, but the problem with this kind of diabetes treatment is the restricted supply of islets and this has limited broader application of islet transplantation. This is where stem cell therapy has emerged as a new hope for researchers as well as patients. Researchers now use different stem cell types to overcome the scarcity of islets.

Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes
Using stem cell therapy researchers have found ways to make pancreatic beta cells from varied cells such as embryonic cells, progenitor cells, non-pancreatic cells, and even induced pluripotent cells. Cellular engineering and programming and replication of beta cells are some of the other techniques that are expected to take diabetes treatment to new heights.

In many cases, patients who have been administered with stem cell therapy have witnessed improvement in their condition even after a few months after the therapy. In some cases, patients are given adipose cells in frequent intervals, especially for treatment of type-2 diabetes, as this helps in managing the symptoms of the disease and aids in controlling level of blood sugar over a long period of time.

Recent research and advancements have led to improved beta cell supply, which can help in future research and can help pave the way for more effective and safer stem cell therapy for diabetes treatment. Stem cells have not only come up as a treatment option for diseases like diabetes, but it has helped to figure out and explore complicated was in which human body process blood sugar and have also helped to understand how diabetes happen and progresses in a patient overtime.

Recently developed techniques like using cells from human skin and then reprogramming it to become induced pluripotent cells have added to the potential of stem cell therapy and stem cell research. A lot more research on immune cells and beta cells are underway and are being tested in lab condition, so that they can be put to therapeutic use for the benefit of millions of people affected with diabetes worldwide. 


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